

Notable abilities



Born in a small town of Japan, Akano was raised by a group of traditionalist eastern practicing samurai. As a small group of lasting practice, Akano was expected to learn the talents and traditions as his family before him. A growing going spirit consistently filled with blithe at such a young age no matter circumstances was truly rare. However the week he turned four, he would begin his physical training. Learning to handle a sword was his first trainings. Used as originally a side arm, the modern samurai believed that in this day and age the practice of spears, bow, and horseback was no longer effective. As such, a more modern hand to hand, and a mixture of Iaidō, kenjutsu, and bōjutsu was practiced.Akano loved his family and friends. Every day working to make them hard by the age of eight he was training with majority of his families teenagers, a progidy in kenjutsu and Iaijutsu specifically. He was entrusted with a sword named after the great blacksmith, muramasa. However, until this point the young samurai had only ever practiced with a kodachi. The new Uchi-Katana almost 50% bigger, it was much heavier. Progressing years proved to be more and more difficult. Traveling across large mountains, running with water across the acres to increase his speed and strength.The world was tough. At the age of 14 he was introduced to the modern world, despite living in a world that barely even used electricity once brought into a big city full of the wonderful technology he would find himself with more yen then what he really needed. The work and training he had been doing for years left the elder to pay him, however he never had a use for such things, as it was such a small intertwined community of secluded people. Buying a phone for himself and signing himself up for a proper bank with his parents, he would be introduced to the culture of hero, and villains.Such an odd concept, so much hatred we need people dedicated to be positive. Wanting to attend and be one of these positive heros he believes these people to be somewhat of a gimmick. And extremely fast child with naturally tone muscles from years of farm work and training, as well as extremely powerful natural reaction time reaching an astounding 2000 microsecond reaction. The fast blades and fighting however did leave his body quite scarred. Signing up for some of hero highschools he made sure to sign for the hero courses. Using his natural strength and training he will work to become what is the next number one hero.


Quirk: Godly breathsAkanos quirk allows him to intake Oxygen up to 10 times as efficient. Not only this, but akanos lungs are capable of turning carbon dioxide and filtering it into oxygen and absorbing the carbon, passing it through his digestive tract. In turn the increase in oxygen to his muscles as well as his intense training have left his physical body capable physically far beyond any normal human. Increasing his speed eight fold, strength which punches with a 65 psi pressure impact, and kicks with a 70 psi impact. A sword swing using this strength would cut through triple what a trained swordsman would ever be capable of. However, depending on how much oxygen akano intakes, beyond ten times this innate state previously stated, it slowly begins to change the color of akanos skin, and shred the muscles within his body, the blood from it vaporizing into an aura. The truth behind akanos quirk is there are various stages. One this is his standing normal body, no changes
Two this is when his muscles physically become larger, while much faster, his actual hits dont change much. In this form.
Three this is akanos current maximum. Akano in this stage has the listed capabilities in his doc, enhanced strength with a punch that causes about .5 MGp, and a sword swing of about 40 lbf per square inch
Four once unlocked through training akanos skin turns red from the increased blood flow in his body, his strength stays the same however his speed multiplies by .5
Five unlocked at the end of second year, this stage turns his skin red, and once adapt his body begins producing blood rapidly as it begins to boil off to counteract. His strength behind kicks and punches change from .5 MGp to .75 in his fists, and from .75 in his kicks to 1 MGp
Six his final stage unlocked mid third year, his speed stays the same however his body while not becoming taller, his mascular system multiplies by 2.5 in size. Extering 1 MGp per punch, and 2 MGp per kick.
The drawbacks of this quirk however result mainly in heat stroke and is extremely hard to control without quirk training and weight lifting, as in result pushing passed the current stage mastery would result in either passing out or major shredding of muscle fibres.
Proficiencies: akano is proficient in hand to hand combat, kenjutsu, Iaijutsu, shurikenjutsu, and bōjutsu. Trained mostly in Iaijutsu, akano is a specialist with his blade. And reflecting from his proficient areas he often has an inventory of an Uchi-Katana, specially made to handle high impact, smoke bombs which can cover a ten by ten foot room night instantly, a tantō, shuriken, and Roughly 100 feet of stainless steel wire.


Much larger than he looks, Akano is roughly Six foot and two hundred twenty pounds. His large robes covering up his mid to bulky muscle under a layer of fat. Somewhat toned, his strength is not to scoff at. However, quite baby faced his soft tones and little facial expression leave majority of his emotion held in his golden eyes. Usually wearing sneakers with robes, his shorts having packs strapped securely with inter thigh and waistline connection through the pants waistband. The large band around his upper waist however is designed to hold the saya of his Uchi-Katana in place firmly.